Warming Revealed
by Drunvalo Melchizedek
What you are about to read is going to
change your world forever, of this I can promise you. I actually apologize
that I have to be the one that brings this unsettling news, but you
must know if you wish to survive for what is coming will either be DRY
and heat or ICE and freezing. Global warming has been in the news for
over 40 years, and by this time we have become complacent. Our scientists
have come to the agreement that global warming will eventually cause
major changes and problems in the world, but in their way of thinking
it will be 50 to 100 years before we will actually have to deal with
the effects. The general idea is that global warming will be slow and
the world will find time to discover the solutions to the problems.
New powerful evidence strongly suggests that this scenario is simply
wrong, and we had better prepare for another more abrupt possibility.
DISCOVERY MAGAZINE One of the first hints that something may be different
than what we are being told (especially here in the US) was published
in Discover magazine in September 2002 with the cover announcing "Global
Warming Surprise, A New Ice Age", " Oceanographers have discovered
a huge river of freshwater in the Atlantic formed by melting polar ice.
They warn it could soon bury the Gulf Stream, plunging North American
and Europe into frigid winters." That was almost two years ago,
and no one listened. Life goes on oblivious to the incredible danger
approaching. ENGLAND & SIR DAVID KING Then in January 2004 enter
Sir David King. Sir King is the Prime Minister of England's chief scientist.
Sir King went to Mr. Blair and told him of the impending worldwide disaster
and that they needed to tell the world of what was about to happen.
Tony Blair told Sir David King to be quiet and not speak. But Sir King
felt that this was simply too important for him to say nothing, so in
January of this year he deliberately went around Mr. Blair and went
straight to the American journal Science where he published his information
and concern. Sir King said in this article, "In my view, climate
change is the most severe problem we are facing today, more serious
even than the threat of terrorism." England placed a gag order
on Sir David King, and now he is not even allowed to discuss this subject
publicly without threat of detention. AMERICA & THE PENTAGON A month
later in February 2004, the Pentagon became involved, which has stirred
the world to action. The Pentagon has been studying Global Warming for
many years because of its possible national security problems associated
with the kind of changes that could present themselves to the world
through Global Warming. A special study was conducted through one of
the Pentagon's departments, the Office of Net Assessment, which is directed
by Andrew W. Marshall, 83, who has the responsibility of identifying
long-term threats to the United States. Mr. Marshall went to a US based
think-tank called Global Business Network to compile the possibilities
of Global Warming on US national security. A study was completed in
October of 2003 and released to the Pentagon, which was looking at this
problem from the point of view of what is the worst that could happen.
It was named "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications
for United States National Security." The summary went far beyond
what most Pentagon experts had expected. Realizing the incredible possibilities
of this study, Mr. Marshall made a decision to publicly report this
and other information to the American people. And probably because of
President Bush's stance on Global Warming, which is beyond negative,
he also decided to go around the president, and he published his information
and concern in Fortune magazine on February 9th 2004. In his article
in Fortune, Mr. Marshall explains how the melting North and South poles
and glaciers from around the world are composed of fresh water and within
this fact is the basis of the impending global weather disaster. The
Gulf Stream or scientifically referred to as North Atlantic thermohaline
conveyor is a stream of warm water that comes from south of the equator
and flows over the surface of the ocean toward the north where this
warm water keeps Northern America and Northern and Western Europe from
freezing. It also holds most of the world's weather patterns in the
way we are used to. Then as this Gulf Stream cools down, it drops to
the bottom of the ocean and returns as a river in the ocean to the south
where it warms up again and rises to the surface and then returns to
the north one more time in a continuous convection current. It is a
huge three dimensional figure eight. The motor that keep this warm water
flowing is found in the north where the Gulf Stream drops to the bottom
of the ocean. It is the salt density of the ocean that causes this river
to drop and pulls the warm water up from the south. Now that the poles
are melting and fresh water is flowing into the Atlantic Ocean and the
salt density is decreasing, the Gulf Stream does not drop quiet as far,
which results in a slowing down of this Stream. The Gulf Stream has
been dramatically slowing down now for at least ten years. As the Gulf
Stream slows down, the warmth is not brought to the North Atlantic region,
and the weather patterns begin to change for they are dependent on this
warmth to keep a balance. THE MELTING POLES The Bush Administration
During the Bush administration when discussions have been held on the
melting of the North & South Poles, this government and US corporate
entities alike have stated that the world's scientists are all wrong
on their conclusions that say there is great danger, and have led the
American public to believe there is no real problem at all. However,
George W. Bush was the focus of attack by Sir David King when he wrote
his article in Science, for the world's greatest scientific minds, at
least one thousand seven hundred of them with the Union of Concerned
Scientists say that Mr. Bush is ill informed at the least. Since the
US government is 25% of the CO2 pollution in the world that is creating
Global Warming, a discussion of Mr. Bush's Global Warming policies is
paramount. Perhaps one of the best articles that summaries Mr. Bush's
position will be found in the ROLLING STONES magazine article of May
19, 2004 by Tim Dickinson. What follows in italics is a portion of this
article. Given the imminent threat from global warming, even the Bush
administration might be expected to launch a War on Heat. After all,
as a candidate in 2000, George W. Bush vowed to "establish mandatory
reduction targets" for carbon-dioxide emissions, saying he would
make the issue a top priority. Once Bush became president, however,
reducing carbon emissions was the first promise he broke -- and his
record has been all downhill from there. Only two months after taking
office, the administration withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, the global
treaty that the United States signed in 1997 to set strict limits on
greenhouse emissions. Instead, Bush instituted a voluntary emissions
plan that has been an abject failure: So far, only fourteen companies
have pledged to curb their CO2 output. The president also folded the
interagency group that monitors climate change into the Commerce Department
-- led by Secretary Don Evans, a former oil and gas executive. And he
called for additional climate research that would delay any meaningful
regulation for at least another decade. "We do not know how much
our climate could or will change in the future," Bush declared
in a speech in the Rose Garden. Such statements spurred an open letter
signed by twenty Nobel laureates, who blasted the administration for
having "consistently sought to undermine" public understanding
of man's role in global warming. (Bush's science adviser refused to
be interviewed for this article.) Then the censorship began. In September
2002, the Environmental Protection Agency released an air-quality report
that - for the first time since 1996 - included no mention of global
warming. Seven months later, the White House made wholesale revisions
to the climate-change chapter of the EPA's "Report on the Environment,"
playing down human influence, deleting references to the health impacts
of global warming and inserting climate data funded in part by the American
Petroleum Institute. The EPA withdrew the altered chapter, acknowledging
in an internal memo that it "no longer accurately represents scientific
consensus on climate change." Even some Republicans have been astounded
at Bush's meddling in EPA affairs. "What seems constantly evident
with George W. Bush is that EPA is expected to take its marching orders
from the White House on regulatory matters," says Russell Train,
who headed the agency under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. "During
my time, I never had that happen. Never." Train, a recipient of
a Presidential Medal of Freedom from the elder Bush, calls the administration's
approach to global warming "totally wrong" and "irresponsible."
Bush can rely on key Republicans in Congress to block any efforts to
curb pollution and stave off disaster. Sen. James Inhofe, chairman of
the Environment and Public Works Committee, dismisses global warming
as a "hoax." In a speech last July, Inhofe compared the IPCC
to the Soviets and extolled the virtues of what he called a "CO2-enhanced"
world. "It is my fervent hope," he concluded, "that Congress
will reject the prophets of doom who peddle propaganda masquerading
as science in the name of saving the planet from catastrophic disaster."
From another point of view in the same article we hear: "They (the
Bush Administration) do not have a credible plan, either domestically
or internationally, for addressing the problem (Global Warming), says
Michael Oppenheimer, a climatologist at Princeton University. They (the
Bush Administration) argue that they don't want to address global warming,
he says, 'because the science is shaky'. And that approach is indefensible,
because the science isn't shaky." The North Pole Melting Let's
look at the facts. Two summers ago the North Pole completely melted
for the first time in history that we know of. Both private and military
ships floated directly over the actual North Pole as it was completely
water. This area has never been seen to be less then ten feet of solid
ice. Greenpeace a few years ago announced that the North Pole's winter
to summer snow pack had receded by around three hundred miles, but no
one listened. And today, as I am writing this article, we are witnessing
the Alaska fire that has consumed over one million acres of forest.
This fire is burning in an area that is always wet with rain or snow
until now. And this fire, as you will understand in this article is
directly related to the melting of the poles and the Gulf Stream. But
finally the Pentagon, thanks to Andrew Marshall, has told the truth
in the Fortune magazine on February 9th. The Pentagon shows a satellite
photo of the North Pole in 1970 and then in 2003, which reveals that,
according to the Pentagon, 40% of the North Pole has melted in just
33 years. And it is melting faster and faster now. The Pentagon has
now proven that all these government statements that the poles are not
melting were simply a lie. And it is a lie more damaging than anything
that Bush's Iraq war could possibly throw at the United States. The
South Pole Melting In the South Pole a couple of years ago Larsen A
ledge broke off, which surprised many scientists. At that time we were
told by the scientific personnel that were studying this event that
it was no big deal since this ice ledge had only been connected to the
South Pole for about the last ten thousand years. And these same scientists
also added that Larsen B ledge that was behind Larsen A ledge would
never melt as it has been there for many ice ages. Yet last year, Larsen's
B ledge broke off and went to sea. These same scientists said that it
would take six months to melt because of its immense size, but again
they were wrong. It melted in a mere 35 days, and more significant,
it rose the entire world's oceans by almost an inch. Now with Larsen's
B ledge gone, an incredibly enormous ice shelf called Ross' s Shelf
is exposed and the only thing holding Ross's Shelf from sliding into
the ocean was Larsen's B ledge. According to my sources, Ross's Shelf
is now cracking. If Ross's Shelf were to slide into the ocean, it has
been estimated that it would raise the entire world's oceans by sixteen
to twenty feet. And that, my friends, would change the world, as almost
every coastal city in the world and many islands along with the country
of Holland would be underwater. Perhaps it will take an event like this
to wake up the world to become serious about Global Warming. THE ANCIENT
PAST 1300 AD The Pentagon in their study of what is now happening in
the North Atlantic ocean, has looked into the past to see when this
slowing down or stoppage of the Gulf Stream has happened before and
what actually took place at those time in the world's weather patterns.
In actual fact, this North Atlantic ocean slowing or stoppage has happen
hundreds of times before in the past going back hundred of millions
years, but in our recent past of the last 10,000 years, it has only
happened twice. The most recent time was in the year 1300 AD, and at
that time it simply slowed down. It never actually stopped. And why
it slowed down, scientists are at the moment theorizing. They don't
really know why. It resulted in abrupt global climatic weather changes
that never returned to normal for 550 years. This period of time in
our history has been named the " Little Ice Age" because of
the havoc it caused to our weather and the dramatic cooling that resulted.
What the Pentagon has realized is that at that time of the "Little
Ice Age", the East Coast of America became extremely cold, while
the middle and Western areas of the United States became so dry that
the Midwest became a dust bowl and the mountain forests burned to the
ground, just as they are doing right now today, for you see, this slowing
down of the Gulf Stream has been going on today for about ten years.
It also affected Europe dramatically as their weather changed completely
during the "Little Ice Age". A study of the Anasazi Indians
of the 14th century is enlightening. In Chaco Canyon in New Mexico the
Anasazi completely disappeared, and where they went no one is sure.
But one of the reasons that has emerged from the study of the New Mexico
environment for their leaving the area is that soon after the turn of
the 14th century, Chaco Canyon went into a drought where they didn't
receive a drop of rain for 47 years! 47 years of drought will definitely
cause anyone to move. No water, no life. The archeologists who presented
this study didn't know why the drought happened, but it is clear why
it happened with the information of the Gulf Stream slowing down just
before this period. And this is exactly what the Pentagon believes is
about to happen here in America, Canada and Europe as we speak. We may
think that this current drought in the US West is going to stop soon,
but the earth's history with the Gulf Stream suggests strongly that
it will continue for about another 40 years before it begin to regain
balance. 8200 Years Ago However, the Pentagon report believes that the
Gulf Stream, from everything they know, is not just going to slow down,
but rather it is going to stop. And the last time this happened was
8200 years ago. And according to the Pentagon, from their research,
this is a much more dramatic scenario. When the Gulf Stream stopped
8200 years ago, it soon left Northern Europe under a half mile of ice,
and New York and England quickly endured weather similar to Siberia.
Further it resulted in a true "Ice Age" that lasted about
100 years, and so you can see why the Pentagon is so worried. According
to Andrew Marshall, like Sir David King, he says that this Gulf Stream
problem is a greater threat to US national security (and other countries')
than all of the world's combined terrorism. Really, when you think about
it, terrorism is nothing compared to the stopping of the Gulf Stream.
It's not even close. Realize that without stable weather conditions,
the growing of food becomes almost impossible, and according to the
Pentagon, this could become such a huge problem for the world in the
near future, that wars will begin to form all over the world, not for
oil or energy, but for food and water. And with whole countries having
to evacuate, if this were to happen, such as Finland, Sweden and Denmark,
which will be under ice, and many other countries for other reasons,
this enormous immigration is what will cause the most threat to national
security, again according to the Pentagon report. This is why Andrew
Marshall and Sir David King wanted the world to know about what was
coming so that the world could begin to prepare for the inevitable.
THE US SENATE Then in March 2004 the US Senate became aware of what
the Pentagon was saying and they appropriated 60 million dollars to
the study of ABRUPT GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGES. This offers hope that soon
the US Senate will begin to tell the world of these coming climate changes.
THE UNITED NATIONS In June 2004, ending on June 29th, a meeting was
held at the United Nations to consider what to do about Global Warming
and the Gulf Stream. 154 countries participated with the result that
the only thing they could figure out what to do was to eliminate the
use of oil and gasoline as soon as possible. There are those who believe
that if we continue to lower the CO2 levels, that possibly we can slow
down the problems, and, of course, we must do everything we can. This
is important for there are ocean currents other that the North Atlantic
that are in every ocean, and if they all were to stop or slow down,
Earth would all most certainly enter a true ice age. And history has
shown that if that were to happen, our civilization would not return
to a warm period again for 90,000 years. But really, to change or increase
the current of the entire Atlantic ocean to bring it back to "normal"
is beyond the possibilities of the human race and all of it's technologies.
It is too late, by the estimate of most of the world' s scientists,
to alter the course of what is about to happen. All we can do now is
prepare for the shock. And preparation is essential, which is the main
message of both Sir David King and Andrew Marshall. NASA PREPARES On
July 13th, 2004, NASA launched a satellite, the first of three, that's
whole purpose is to study Global Warming. Besides the study of the ozone,
another huge problem associated with Global Warming, these satellites
will monitor the temperature and salt density of the oceans. Perhaps
we will at least be able to monitor the rapid changes and predict what
THE GULF STREAM SLOWED DOWN In March 2004 the world saw a major hurricane
hit the coast of Brazil. This is the first time in all recorded history
that a hurricane has struck land in South America. In May 2004, the
United States witnessed 562 tornadoes in a single month, breaking all
records. A few of these tornadoes were recorded in Seattle, Washington.
Never has a tornado been seen in Seattle. Eastern Canada in the winter
of 2003/2004 just had one of the coldest winters on record. For several
years forest fires have been burning around the world. The list would
be extensive. The north part of Australia is on fire. Alaska, as we
have already mentioned, is burning. Unprecedented! The entire Western
United States is under fire, jumping from region to region, with the
US government announcing that this is the worse drought in 500 years.
Really, the fires are worldwide. France and Europe had a heat wave in
2003 that caused 15,000 people to die in France and 30,000 through-out
Europe simply from the intense heat caused by Global Warming and the
Gulf Stream. Argentina this month July 2004, had the greatest storm
they have ever seen in their history. Mexico's weather is so strange
and wet in some regions that mold/fungus is forming on their crops.
(And in other regions they are having a drought) As weather patterns
begin to change more and more radically, food growth will become one
of our biggest problems. The coral reefs of the world are dying because
of Global Warming, and this is threatening most of the islands in the
oceans, including those in the Pacific. Anyone living on most islands
will probably have to leave sooner or later because of their fresh water
being corrupted with salt ocean water. Definitely they will have to
leave if the oceans rise much higher. Further, it was reported on NPR
this morning, July 16, 2004, that fifty percent of the CO2 that has
been released in the atmosphere from our technological society has ended
up in our oceans and this in turn is dropping the PH to the acidic.
This in turn is actually dissolving the coral reefs and killing them
along with vast numbers of other life forms in the oceans. These are
problems simply off the top of my head. If one were to get serious and
really research all the strange weather problems of the last ten years
(the years the Gulf Stream slowed down) one would begin to be truly
aware of the coming abrupt global climate weather changes that we must
all adapt to if humanity is to continue on Earth. THE 40-FOOT WALL In
the Pentagon report it suggests that the United States build a 40-foot
wall around the entire country to keep out people who are immigrating
and trying to escape world weather problems. The Pentagon believes that
food and water will be the biggest problem, and since the US has the
money to buy food, they believe we will be best able to resist this
particular problem longer than most countries. People will want to come
here just to get food. This sounds like something out of a weird movie,
but in fact the US government has already begun the construction of
this wall between the US and Mexico. SIDE NOTE: Speaking of movies,
The Day After Tomorrow, which was recently released is based on this
information of the Gulf Stream stopping. However, Hollywood exaggerated
the results of the storms so much that most people simply thought it
was fantasy. It is not fantasy, it is really happening, but will it
happen as this movie predicts? And in this movie you saw massive amount
of Americans fleeing to Mexico to escape the extreme cold weather. I
just spoke with a US military person about two weeks ago who is involved
in the construction of this 40-foot wall. In the discussion, with him
about the Gulf Stream, which he was unaware of, he said, "Oh, now
I understand. You see, the wall is straight up and down on the Mexican
side, but it has steps and ladders on the US side to get over the wall
and into Mexico. I never could understand why the government was doing
report they said that they believed that the stoppage of the Gulf Stream
would probably happen in three to five years from October 2003. This
was their best guess, and admittedly it was only a guess and a theory.
But what they didn't know, because it was beginning at the actual time
of their release of their report, was that the Gulf Stream was beginning
to change shape. The change of shape of the Gulf Stream is the beginning
of the breakdown and stoppage of this warm water current and the end
of our civilization as we know it. I have this information from two
sources, both of which do not wish to be named right now, but both of
them are world famous scientists. If this is true, then all the effects
and timing of the Pentagon report have to be shifted closer to the present
by three to five years. I don't know if this is true, but in the vein
of holding nothing back, this info is placed in this article. The actual
proof will follow if it will be given to me. FROM MY HEART TO YOURS
As I became aware of this information, I didn't know what to do or if
I should write this article. But because I believe in and love humanity,
I finally realized, like Sir David King and Andrew Marshall, that I
must speak out, for knowledge is power. And when the time comes for
us all to make life decisions, my prayer is that we all go inside where
God resides and listen to our inner Heart. If we trust in ourselves
and the presence of Divine Guidance, we will all know exactly what to
do and where to be. May God bless us all in what is about to come. -
Drunvalo Melchizedek [Emphasis is mine - Yumnah El] Spirit of MA'AT'S
Web Home STARDOVES ADD: We were told that these days would come. One
of the main purposes of our Inter-Planetary Mission was not only to
be ready for them, but we are to serve as a bridge between the scientific
commUNITY and the ET communET, and thus offer the solutions through
ET SCIENTISTS from more HIGHER DEVELOPED WORLDS, who are sympathetic
to Earth's needs. They are holding out their hands now to work with
groups of Earth scientists who will work with them to help save the
planet. They have succeeded in establishing shields for some areas of
our world utilizing their star ships, and are working to save larger
amounts of sacred lands in the mountains as communETs. In fact at this
very moment we here in Mt. Shasta are preparing a scared portal property
to purchase, with prayers to establish a larger communET on 100 or more
acres at least. It is almost too late to have this happen, but there
is still time if we ACT NOW! Watch for our next email to come titled,
Telosian Portal in Mt. Shasta to Open soon for Visitors! We had hoped
we'd be in a better position and had our communET built already and
people in support of it with scientists ready and in hand to work with
the ET scientists. We have sounded the alarm to assist sacred lands
like Lionfire. From the last report not enough people responded to save
that land! Providing readers will act to make a joint purchase with
investors of the sacred lands in Mount Shasta, then the Earth and her
people will be ready NOW, and WE WILL not just have to make the best
of it, but with ET science, we can avert every single catastrophe and
create a wonderfully protected technologically advanced and balanced
with love and care planet. The New Earth, with optimum care for the
environment (the sweet planet upon and within which we live), and with
love for our neighbors of all sizes and persuasions. We also believe
in humanity and believe there is still an opportunity at this late in
the work. Our ET friends say now is the time to also build the landing
pad, so they may come. Our friends from outer space will take us all
up in their hands and help us through these troubles. They will respond
to all those kind souls who have felt the love in their hearts already.
Love is the answer.