Free Breathing for Vitality, health, Inner Peace and Well-being
How well are you breathing? · I feel tired and lethargic for
no apparent reason. If any of the above statements is true for you, you should consider taking some lessons in the breathing techniques of Transformational Breathwork and Rebirthing. Vitality We take vital energy into our bodies by breathing. The more we breathe deeply and freely, the more life energy we have at our disposal. Our habitual breathing patterns reflect everything about us that we have learnt since we first started breathing at birth until the present moment. Tiredness, depression, anxiety and a poor immune system are symptoms of inadequate breathing. We actually have an unlimited amount of vital energy available. How much we take in and use depends on how much we open up to breathing more deeply. Most people use only about 10% of their full breathing potential. Health The western worldís concept of health is often simply the absence of illness, not the idea of full aliveness and total well-being. By taking more oxygen into the body in a relaxed, deep, conscious breathing rhythm, we can strengthen the blood and immune defence system, bring more oxygen to the brain and balance and improve our metabolic system. Breathing also has a direct effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, the physical bodyís gateway to the higher frequency energy bodies which affect our emotions and mental states. Transformational Breathwork and Rebirthing · Simple, easy-to-learn techniques
of conscious breathing Balancing the whole energy system
of the body Learning to breathe consciously and more effectively is
the key to living your life more fully and creatively with inner peace
and joy. By Claudio Capozza MBBS (Italy), Naturopathic Doctor (Australia)